Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Blog, New Year!

Thanks to Junshien's inspiration, here is my new blog. Xanga was a little advanced for me so hopefully this will work better.
Well, it is already January 8th and this years is starting off so busy. I thought I would take a moment and talk about things that I am grateful for.
1. My family (the entire crazy lot of them)
2. My husband for well, everything, as well as getting me my 5D for Christmas (I know, what a stud!)
3. My son Gavin for asking "Why are Moms so warm and snugly?"
4. Old friends and new ones.
5. Referrals from my clients. Thank you!
6. Scott Robert Lim and my friends in his mentorship program. I feel very lucky to be a part of this with all of you.
7. The opportunity to go to Mexico, Costa Rica and Spain this year. I am really going to need to learn Spanish soon!
8. My book club and the book "Eat, Pray, Love" By Elizabeth Gilbert. I love the idea of being a balanced, best version of yourself.
9. The opportunity to follow my dreams as an artist and have my work shown in a gallery.
10. My sweet old dog, Maggie. Who unconditionally loves me even when I get busy and neglect her.